The number of people seeking counselling today is increasing and a variety of types of counselling are on offer. The secular counselling some receive is unhelpful and, at worst, positively dangerous. Some secular counsellors are openly opposed to the Christian faith and others are avowed atheists; their counselling will not produce what God desires for people in need.

Where then should a Christian turn for counselling, guidance and instruction to meet the problems that can invade one's life? I have no hesitation in stating my conviction that the Bible is God's inspired, infallible word given to meet every possible eventuality that may come our way. Furthermore, I'm convinced that there is not a situation that can arise that the word of God does not either specifically address or provide the answer in some of its great principles. Because of this, I would always counsel a person from God's word. The psalmist expresses my confidence in the infallibility of the word and its sufficiency for our every need: "The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes. The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The ordinances of the Lord are sure and altogether righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb. By them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward." (Psalms 19:7-11)

The effectiveness of God's word is seen in how it is described:

1. God's word is perfect. It is not lacking in anything. It is complete. It is able to revive the soul of the weary.

2. What God says is trustworthy. You can count on his word being right. It is free from error and able to give wisdom to those who seek to be instructed.

3. God's precepts are right. They are not like the opinions of men. God's laws bring great joy to the heart of those who live by them.

4. His commands are radiant. They shine, thereby giving spiritual light to the eye so that the correct path can be taken. No more walking in darkness.

5. The fear of the Lord is pure. It is free of contamination, defilement and prejudice. And because it comes from God, it will last forever.

6. His ordinances are sure. They can relied upon. They are trustworthy. They do not contain any error, hence are "altogether righteous".

7. His word is more precious than gold. Some people will stop at nothing in their pursuit of gold. They want it no matter what it costs them. But God's word is more precious that gold. His word can do what gold can never do.

8. His word is sweeter than honey. There is nothing bitter or unpalatable about it. It has a refreshing taste and nourishes the soul.

9. His word provides warning. It can do this because it reflects the mind and will of Almighty God. His word speaks of what is right and what is wrong and it does so in absolute terms. There is nothing ambiguous about it.

10. His word brings great reward. Living within the boundaries of God's word keeps us safe and secure and rewards us with a life that pleases God and eventually will see us safely to our home in heaven.